Welcome to my humble darkroom.
My darkroom is actually a repurposed bedroom. I have used cardboard and thick black plastic to light-proof the window, I hang a heavy curtain over the door, and kick a towel up against the bottom of the door to keep any light from sneaking in around the edges. The room is effectively light-tight.
I don't have running water or any kind of plumbing in the room so I make do with a folding table in place of a sink. It's not ideal but it works fine. After fixing prints I put them in a container of water that I keep next to the trays. The container is large enough to hold 20x16" prints and has a lid so I don't slop water everywhere when I move it. Once I have a few prints finished I take them to the bathroom for washing.
All of the gear that I have has been bought second-hand from various sources, apart from things like tongs and extra trays. It took some time and patience to put together but I'm pretty happy with the outcome and it really hasn't cost a lot of money. I'm still looking for a couple of items but they are in the "nice to have" category of non-essentials. Eventually everything turns up on eBay or Gumtree.
Some of the key pieces of equipment:
De Vere 504 and Ahel 12 enlargers
My home made darkroom "sink"
An 8x10" print in fixer